CS 5173/4173: Computer Security

Fall 2020


Dr. Song Fang



TR 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm in Nielsen Hall 0170

Office hours:

TR 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm in DEH 232

Email address:

songf at ou.edu



Teaching assistant:

Mr. Yan He


Office hours:

T 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm in DEH 115

Email address:

heyan at ou.edu

Mask Policy:

Masks are now required inside buildings on all campuses in accordance with the OU mask policy.



Suggested textbook: Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, and Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-046019-2.
Wenliang Du. Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-on Approach. 2nd Edition, 2019.
Exam dates: Midterm: 5:00pm - 6:15pm Oct. 20
Final exam: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Dec. 16
Labs: Lab 1: Explore frequency analysis and different ciphers due on 09/13
Lab 2: Get familiar with encryption modes due on 09/29
Lab 3: Understand MD5 collision attack due on 10/18
Lab 4: Implement RSA public-key encryption and signature due on 11/15
Lab 5: Use tools to conduct packet sniffing and spoofing due on 11/28
Lab 6: Exploit Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities due on 12/09
Notes on submissions:

You must use a text editor (e.g., MS Word, Latex) to complete your homework. All submissions should be made via OU's Canvas.
Course feedback

Schedule of classes (Topics and dates may change as the semester progresses)

Date Reading Topics Slide
08/25 Kaufman Chapter 2 Course overview; Basic security concepts Lec 1
08/27 Introduction to cryptography; Substitution ciphers Lec 2
09/01 Permutation ciphers
09/03 Quiz 1; Types of cryptography
09/08 Kaufman Chapter 3 Secret key kryptography - Feistel Ciphers Lec 3
09/10 DES
09/15 AES
09/17 Kaufman Chapter 4 Secret key kryptography - Modes of operation Lec 4
09/22 Quiz 2; Modes of operation (Cont'd)
09/24 Triple DES
09/29 MAC with secret key ciphers
10/01 Kaufman Chapter 5 Introduction to hash functions Lec 5
10/06 Hash function applications
10/08 Lab analysis; MD5; SHA-1
10/13 Kaufman Chapters 6 and 7 Introduction to public key cryptography Lec 6
10/15 Midterm review Lec midterm review
10/20 Midterm, 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm
10/22 Basic number theory
10/27 Campus is closed due to inclement weather - No class
10/29 Midterm analysis; RSA Lec 7
11/03 2020 Fall Student Holiday - No class
11/05 Research paper presentation session 1
11/10 Research paper presentation session 2
11/12 Quiz 3; RSA security analysis
11/17 Diffie-Hellman key exchange; Blockchain Lec 8
11/19 Du Chapters 12 and 13 Networking basics Lec 9
11/24 Packets sniffing and spoofing Lec 10
11/26 Thanksgiving Break - No class
12/01 Du Chapters 9,10, and 11 Quiz 4; Introduction to web security; Common web vulnerabilities Lec 11
12/03 Cross-site request forgery, XSS
12/08 Quiz 5; SQL injection
12/10 Final review

© 2020 Song Fang.