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Calling all experts for!

Book Title: Software Engineering & AI Collaboration

Engineering the Future: Human & AI Collaboration for a New Era of Productivity & Responsibility


Aiming to revitalize the valuable insights of Software Engineering and AI collaboration. This project going to invites experts for in-depth feedback and revisions, ensuring it's continued relevance. Additionally, students will participate in independent studies, gaining firsthand experience through collaboration.

Targeted Audience

  • Software Engineer Text Book Writers
  • Software Engineer Curriculum Designers
  • Software Engineer Instructors
  • Software Engineer IDE developers
  • Software Engineer DevOps
  • Software Engineer Tester
  • Software Engineer Reserchers
  • Policy Makers
  • Interested parties


The book is adapting one of the National Agenda for Software Engineering Research & Development Findings.

The vision of Software Enginerring needs to change. The current notion of Software Development pipeline will be replaced by one where AI and humans continously collaborate to evolve the system based o software engineering intent.

  • Software Engineer envisioning their profession five years from now.
  • Leverage expert interviews and workshop to infuse the book with valuable insights.

Table of Contents

Section1: Academia

  • Software Engineering academia book writers in the AI era
  • Software Engineering curriculum developers in the AI era
  • Software Engineering Instructor in the AI era

Section2: Work Force

  • Software Engineering IDE developer & AI collaboration
  • Software Engineering analyst & AI collaboration
  • Software Engineering thinking designer & AI collaboration
  • Software Engineering coders & AI collaboration
  • Software Engineering testers & AI collaboration

Section3: Engineering AI Software

  • Engineering AI software for SDLC
  • Engineering AI Agents for Software Engineer

Section4: Policy Makers

  • Software Engineering Collaboration Ethics
  • Software Engineering Collaboration Regulators
Milestone Update
Main Image


Join us for an electrifying collaboration between the world of software engineering and the wonders of AI at our upcoming workshop!

  • Devon Energy Hall, Room No:220, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 73019
  • To Be Announced
    • Explore the symbiotic relationship between software engineering and AI.
    • Dive deep into advanced AI integration techniques for software projects.
    • Propel innovation and drive technological evolution together.
    • Ignite your creativity and shape the future of technology!

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