CS 2334 - Programming Structures and Abstractions

Honors Assignment 2 — Comparison Two

Due Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 1:30pm

As discussed in class, the "waterfall model" is only one of many ways to organize the software development processes that might be used by a particular software development team. This assignments explores the trade-offs in software development process organization by asking you to compare the waterfall model with another software development model of your choosing.

The assignment.

Write a paper discussing software development models including the waterfall model. In your paper, be sure to do the following:

You may cover these points in any order that clearly conveys the information required.

Your comparison paper should be approximately three to five pages in length (roughly 80 characters per line, 50 lines per page). Note that this is a guideline range. Values somewhat outside this range are acceptable. However, if you go much over five pages, I may take off points for being excessively verbose. This page range does not include figures used in your explanations, which are encouraged and may take up any amount of space.

Be sure to cite your sources! It should be clear from your comparison paper where you learned about which aspects of the alternative software development processes.

What to turn in.

Turn in an electronic copy of this document as a PDF file by submitting it to the appropriate droxbox in D2L and a paper copy of this document at or prior to the start of the class period on the due date.