Source code for karpal_lib

Created on 2016-01-20
@author: Andrew H. Fagg and Bonnie Pope
import rospy
import baxter_interface
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from geometry_msgs.msg import (
from baxter_core_msgs.srv import SolvePositionIK, SolvePositionIKRequest
from baxter_interface import AnalogIO 
import time
import math
import random
from tf import transformations as t
from sensor_msgs.msg import (

import numpy as np
import cv2
import cv_bridge

global origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis
origin, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis = (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)

[docs]class Karpal: ''' **Karpal control tools.** :ivar robotEnable: Interface for enabling/disabling the robot. See: :ivar leftArm: Interface for the left arm. See: :ivar rightArm: Interface for the right arm. See: :ivar leftGripper: Interface for the left gripper. See: :ivar rightGripper: Interface for the right gripper. See: :ivar rightArmNavigator: Interface for the right arm navigator (user interface). See: :ivar leftArmNavigator: Interface for the left arm navigator (user interface). See: :ivar rightTorsoNavigator: Interface for the right torso navigator (user interface). See: :ivar leftTorsoNavigator: Interface for the left torso navigator (user interface). See: :ivar head: Interface to the head. See: :ivar leftIkService: Interface to the inverse kinematics service. See: TBD :ivar rightIkService: Interface to the inverse kinematics service. See: TBD :ivar ikService: Dict containing both the left and right IK services. :ivar displayPublisher: Publisher for images being routed to the head display. ''' JPOSITION_ZERO = {'s0': 0, 's1': 0, 'e0': 0, 'e1': 0, 'w0': 0, 'w1': 0, 'w2': 0 } ''' Zero joint angle position''' JPOSITION_CRANE = {'s0': 0, 's1': -math.pi/4, 'e0': 0, 'e1': math.pi/2, 'w0': 0, 'w1': math.pi/4, 'w2': 0 } ''' Crane joint angle position. Elbow up and hand oriented downward.''' JPOSITION_GRASP_READY = {'s0': 0, 's1': -math.pi/4, 'e0': 0, 'e1': math.pi/2, 'w0': 0, 'w1': -math.pi/4, 'w2': 0 } ''' Grasp ready angle position. Elbow up and forearm and hand oriented horizontally (45 degrees off center).''' JPOSITION_PARK = {'s0': 0, 's1': math.pi/8, 'e0': 0, 'e1': math.pi/4, 'w0': 0, 'w1': math.pi/8, 'w2': 0 } ''' Park angle position. Arm is in a low-energy state where it is safe to be disabled.''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialize the connections to the baxter control services, and initialize internal structures with links to the key underlying baxter components. ''' self.robotEnable = baxter_interface.RobotEnable() self.leftArm = baxter_interface.Limb('left') self.rightArm = baxter_interface.Limb('right') self.leftGripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('left') self.rightGripper = baxter_interface.Gripper('right') self.rightArmNavigator = baxter_interface.Navigator('right') self.leftArmNavigator = baxter_interface.Navigator('left') self.rightTorsoNavigator = baxter_interface.Navigator('torso_right') self.leftTorsoNavigator = baxter_interface.Navigator('torso_left') self.head = baxter_interface.Head(); #self.leftHandCamera = CameraController('left_hand_camera') #self.rightHandCamera = CameraController('right_hand_camera') #self.headCamera = CameraController('head_camera') # Inverse kinematics services ns = "ExternalTools/left/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" rospy.wait_for_service(ns) self.leftIkService = rospy.ServiceProxy(ns, SolvePositionIK) # Inverse kinematics services ns = "ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" rospy.wait_for_service(ns) self.rightIkService = rospy.ServiceProxy(ns, SolvePositionIK) # Both services in one dict self.ikService = {'left': self.leftIkService, 'right': self.rightIkService} self.displayPublisher = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) ########################################################################### # Robot
[docs] def enable(self): """ Enable the robot. .. note:: The robot's E-Stop button must be disabled in order for this function to be successful (this is the big red button). """ self.robotEnable.enable()
[docs] def disable(self): ''' Disable the robot. ''' self.robotEnable.disable() ########################################################################################## # Gripper Methods: # Left Gripper
[docs] def calibrateLeftGripper(self): ''' Calibrate the positional offset of the left gripper. ''' self.leftGripper.calibrate()
[docs] def closeLeftGripper(self): ''' Close the left gripper until a force threshold. ''' self.leftGripper.close()
[docs] def openLeftGripper(self): ''' Open the left gripper to its widest extent. ''' #Right Gripper
[docs] def calibrateRightGripper(self): ''' Calibrate the positional offset of the right gripper. ''' self.rightGripper.calibrate()
[docs] def closeRightGripper(self): ''' Close the right gripper until a force threshold. ''' self.rightGripper.close()
[docs] def openRightGripper(self): ''' Open the right gripper to its widest extent. ''' #Either Gripper
[docs] def calibrateGripper(self, limb): ''' Calibrate the specified gripper :param limb: Side to calibrate. Either 'left' or 'right' ''' baxter_interface.Gripper(limb).calibrate()
[docs] def closeGripper(self, limb): ''' Close the specified gripper until a force threshold. :param limb: Side to close. Either 'left' or 'right' ''' baxter_interface.Gripper(limb).close()
[docs] def openGripper(self, limb): ''' Open the specified gripper to its widest extent :param limb: Side to open. Either 'left' or 'right' ''' baxter_interface.Gripper(limb).open() ########################################################################################### #Position Methods:
[docs] def getLeftArmPosition(self): ''' Get the Cartesian position of the left hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :returns: A vector containing the position (m) ''' position = self.leftArm.endpoint_pose() x = position['position'].x y = position['position'].y z = position['position'].z return [x,y,z]
[docs] def getRightArmPosition(self): ''' Get the Cartesian position of the right hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :returns: A vector containing the position (m) ''' position = self.rightArm.endpoint_pose() x = position['position'].x y = position['position'].y z = position['position'].z return [x,y,z]
[docs] def getArmPosition(self, limb): """ Get the Cartesian position of the specified hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :returns: A vector containing the position (m) """ position = baxter_interface.Limb(limb).endpoint_pose() x = position['position'].x y = position['position'].y z = position['position'].z return [x,y,z]
[docs] def getJointAngles(self, limb): ''' Get the joint configuration of the specified limb. :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :returns: A dict of joint angles (rad). ''' angles = baxter_interface.Limb(limb).joint_angles() return angles #Orientataion Methods:
[docs] def getLeftArmOrientation(self): """ Get the orientation of the left hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :returns: A vector containing the unit quaternion """ orientation = self.leftArm.endpoint_pose() x = orientation['orientation'].x y = orientation['orientation'].y z = orientation['orientation'].z w = orientation['orientation'].w return [x,y,z,w]
[docs] def getRightArmOrientation(self): """ Get the orientation of the right hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :returns: A vector containing the unit quaternion """ orientation = self.rightArm.endpoint_pose() x = orientation['orientation'].x y = orientation['orientation'].y z = orientation['orientation'].z w = orientation['orientation'].w return [x,y,z,w]
[docs] def getArmOrientation(self, limb): """ Get the orientation of the specified hand (base of the hand) in the Baxter's main coordinate frame. :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :returns: A vector containing the unit quaternion """ orientation = baxter_interface.Limb(limb).endpoint_pose() x = orientation['orientation'].x y = orientation['orientation'].y z = orientation['orientation'].z w = orientation['orientation'].w return [x,y,z,w]
[docs] def getArmPose(self, limb): ''' Get the full pose of the specified limb. :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :returns: A dict containing the full pose (keys: 'position' and 'orientation'). ''' # Not sure why we need to ask again, but we do not seem to be getting good poses all the time... while(True): pose = baxter_interface.Limb(limb).endpoint_pose() if 'position' in pose.keys() and 'orientation' in pose.keys(): return pose print "Retrying position sensing for arm..." #################################################################################### # Joint control methods
[docs] def moveArmJoints(self, limb, angles, timeout=15.0): ''' Move specified arm to a joint goal :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :param angles: A dict (?) containing the joint goal position :param timeout: Number of seconds before aborting joint movement (default = 15.0 sec) :returns: The joint angles ''' baxter_interface.Limb(limb).move_to_joint_positions(angles, timeout=timeout) return angles
[docs] def tiltWrist(self, limb): """ For the specified limb, flip the final wrist joint by pi radians :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :returns: **True** if successful; **False** if not """ # Get the Current joint angles angles = self.getJointAngles(limb) # Add pi angles['left_w2'] += math.pi # Is this a legal position? if angles['left_w2'] > 3.059: # No print "tilt other way" # Try to flip the other way angles['left_w2'] = angles['left_w2'] - 2*math.pi # Check again if angles['left_w2'] < -3.059: # No print "tilt not completed" return False #move to position self.moveArmJoints(limb, angles) return True
[docs] def armMoveToJointPosition(self, limb='left', orientation={}, timeout=15.0): ''' Move arm to a specified joint position. :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :param orientation: dict containing the joint angles of interest. The elements can be either specific joints (including limb) or generic joints. In the latter case, the specified limb is appended :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for movement to complete (default = 15.0 sec) ''' # Make sure we have a valid input if(orientation == None): return False # Get the limb's current joint angles angles = self.getJointAngles(limb) # Extract the new joint angles for j in orientation: # Already have the limb specified? if j.find(limb) == 0: # Yes - just copy angles[j] = orientation[j] else: # No - add limb angles[limb + '_' + j] = orientation[j] # Move the arm self.moveArmJoints(limb, angles, timeout=timeout) return True #################################################################################### # Cartesian control methods
[docs] def inverseKinematics(self, limb, position, orientation): ''' Perform the inverse kinematics given a limb, position and orientation :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :param position: Vector containing the goal Cartesian position for the base of the hand :param orientation: Vector containing the goal orientation for the hand (unit quaternion) :returns: **None** if no solution found, or a dict containing the joint angles that correspond to the goal. ''' # Create the request message ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() hdr = Header(, frame_id='base') # Pose pose = PoseStamped( header=hdr, pose=Pose( position=Point( x=position[0], y=position[1], z=position[2], ), orientation=Quaternion( x=orientation[0], y=orientation[1], z=orientation[2], w=orientation[3], ) ) ); # Add the pose to the request ikreq.pose_stamp.append(pose) try: # Make the request resp = self.ikService[limb](ikreq) except rospy.ServiceException,e : rospy.loginfo("Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) return None # Check for a valid solution if (resp.isValid[0]): print("SUCCESS - Valid Joint Solution Found:") # Format solution into Limb API-compatible dictionary limb_joints = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return limb_joints else: print("INVALID POSE - No Valid Joint Solution Found.") return None
[docs] def moveArm(self, limb, position, orientation): ''' Move the arm to a Cartesian goal position/orientation :param limb: 'left' or 'right' :param position: Vector containing the goal Cartesian position for the base of the hand :param orientation: Vector containing the goal orientation for the hand (unit quaternion) :returns: **None** if no solution found, or a dict containing the joint angles that correspond to the goal. ''' # Compute the inverse kinematics angles = self.inverseKinematics(limb, position, orientation) # Check the result if not angles: # No solution found return None # Execute the motion self.moveArmJoints(limb, angles) # Return joint position return angles ########################################################################## # Inverse kinematics functions
[docs] def computeHorizontalOrientation(self, orient, handFlip=0): ''' Compute a hand orientation in which the hand is in the horizontal plane :param orient: Orientation of the hand in the robots coordinate frame (about Z) :param handFlip: Enables addition of a flipped hand (still horizontal, though) if set to PI :returns: Quaternion describing the full orientation ''' global xaxis, yaxis, zaxis T1 = t.rotation_matrix(math.pi/2, yaxis) # Flip hand so it is horizontal T2 = t.rotation_matrix(orient, xaxis) # Rotate hand about local x axis T3 = t.rotation_matrix(handFlip, zaxis) # Flip hand over T = t.concatenate_matrices(T1, T2, T3) # Convert from quaternion q = t.quaternion_from_matrix(T) return q
[docs] def findHorizontalSolution(self, limb='left', position=[.6, .1, .3], minOrient=math.pi/2, maxOrient=math.pi/2, nAttempts=10): ''' Find a viable joint solution for a horizontal reach. A range of acceptable orientations in the horizontal plane is specified; one is selected at random. Multiple attempts are tried at finding a valid inverse kinematics solution (up to nAttemts) :param limb: Determines which limb; 'left' or 'right' :param position: Goal position of the gripper :param minOrient: Minimum acceptable hand orientation (in the horiziontal plane) :param maxOrient: Maximum acceptable hand orientation :param nAttempts: Maximum number of attempts :returns: None if no solution is found, or a dictionary that contains information about the chosen configuration: the solution (**joint_angles**), the full hand orientation (**q**), the hand orientation in the horizontal plane (**orient**); and the limb the solution was computed for (**limb**). ''' iteration = 0 # Iterate over each attempt while iteration < nAttempts: # Randomly select an orientation within the allowed range orient = minOrient + (maxOrient-minOrient) * random.random() # Compute the quaternion q = self.computeHorizontalOrientation(orient) # Compute the inverse kinematics angles = self.inverseKinematics(limb, position, q) if angles: # We are done: return the solution return {'joint_angles': angles, 'q': q, 'orient': orient, 'limb': limb} # Not found: try again? iteration += 1 # No solution found over the attempts print "No solution Found" return None
[docs] def computeVerticalOrientation(self, orient): ''' Compute a hand orientation in which the hand is pointed downwards :param orient: Orientation of the hand in the robot coordinate frame (about Z) :returns: Quaternion describing the full orientation ''' global xaxis, yaxis, zaxis T1 = t.rotation_matrix(math.pi, yaxis) # Flip hand so it is pointed down T2 = t.rotation_matrix(orient, zaxis) # Rotate hand about global Z axis T = t.concatenate_matrices(T1, T2) # Convert from quaternion q = t.quaternion_from_matrix(T) return q;
[docs] def findVerticalSolution(self, limb='left', position=[.6, .1, .3], minOrient=0, maxOrient=2*math.pi, flipFlag=False, nAttempts=10): ''' Find a viable joint solution for a vertical reach (from above). A range of acceptable orientations about the vertical axis is specified; one is selected at random. Multiple attempts are tried at finding a valid inverse kinematics solution (up to nAttemts) :param limb: Determines which limb; 'left' or 'right' :param position: Goal position of the gripper :param minOrient: Minimum acceptable hand orientation (about the vertical axis) :param maxOrient: Maximum acceptable hand orientation :param nAttempts: Maximum number of attempts :returns: None if no solution is found, or a dictionary that contains information about the chosen configuration: the solution (**joint_angles**), the full hand orientation (**q**), the hand orientation in the horizontal plane (**orient**); and the limb the solution was computed for (**limb**). ''' iteration = 0 # Loop over attempts while iteration < nAttempts: # Pick an orientation within the specified range orient = minOrient + (maxOrient-minOrient) * random.random() # If allowed, we will flip the orientation by 180 degrees with 50% probability if flipFlag & (random.random() < 0.5): orient += math.pi; # Compute quaternion q = self.computeVerticalOrientation(orient) # Inverse kinematics angles = self.inverseKinematics(limb, position, q) # Did we get a solution? if angles: # We are done return {'joint_angles': angles, 'q': q, 'orient': orient, 'limb': limb} # Count the number of failures iteration += 1 # No solution found over the attempts print "No solution Found" return None
[docs] def findAbsoluteJogSolution(self, limb='left', deltaX=[0,0,0]): ''' Compute the inverse kinematics solution for a small change in position. The change is specified in the robot base coordinate frame. :param limb: Which limb to compute solution for: left/right :param deltaX: Three element array: [dX, dY, dZ] :returns: None if no solution is found, or a dictionary that contains information about the chosen solution: the joint angles (**joint_angles**), the full hand orientation (**q**), position of the limb (**position**); and the limb that the solution was computed for (**limb**). ''' # Current pose of the robot pose = self.getArmPose(limb) # Extract the position and q position = pose['position'] q = pose['orientation'] # Construct a new position position2 = [position.x + deltaX[0], position.y + deltaX[1], position.z + deltaX[2]]; # Inverse kinematics angles = self.inverseKinematics(limb, position2, q) # Do we have a solution? if angles: # We are done: return the solution return {'joint_angles': angles, 'q': q, 'position': position2, 'limb': limb} return None
[docs] def findRelativeJogSolution(self, limb='left', deltaX=[0,0,0]): ''' Compute the inverse kinematics solution for a small change in position. The change is specified in the hand coordinate frame. :param limb: Which limb to compute solution for: left/right :param deltaX: Three element array: [dX, dY, dZ] :returns: None if no solution is found, or a dictionary that contains information about the chosen solution: the joint angles (**joint_angles**), the full hand orientation (**q**), position of the limb (**position**); and the limb that the solution was computed for (**limb**). ''' # Current pose of the robot pose = self.getArmPose(limb) # Extract the position and q position = pose['position'] q = pose['orientation'] T = t.quaternion_matrix(q) # Compute the delta in absolute coordinates from the hand delta delta = [deltaX[0], deltaX[1], deltaX[2], 1] delta2 =,delta) # Construct a new position position2 = [position.x + delta2[0], position.y + delta2[1], position.z + delta2[2]]; # Inverse kinematics angles = self.inverseKinematics(limb, position2, q) # Do we have a solution? if angles: # We are done: return the solution return {'joint_angles': angles, 'q': q, 'position': position2, 'limb': limb} return None ########################################################################### # Sensor-driven movement
[docs] def moveArmUntilDistance(self, limb='left', delta = 0.02, maxDistance=.3, handDistance = 70): ''' Move the arm along the Z axis of the hand until an obstacle is sensed or a maximum distance is achieved. .. warning:: Not all obstacles can be sensed with the distance sensor. :param limb: Determines which limb; 'left' or 'right' :param delta: Distance to move along the Z axis (m) between sensor checks. This parameter should be positive :param maxDistance: Maximum distance to move (m) :param handDistance: Distance to the obstacle to stop at (mm) :returns: 2 if successfully reached the obstacle; 1 if the maximum distance has been reached; and 0 **False** if no solution ''' # Accumulated distance moved distance = 0; # Get access to the distance sensor sensorName = limb + "_hand_range" sensor = AnalogIO(sensorName) # Loop until obstacle or maximum reached while sensor.state() > handDistance and distance <= maxDistance: # Compute the jog j = self.findRelativeJogSolution(limb, [0, 0, delta]) # Is there a solution? if j != None: # Yes: do the motion self.armMoveToJointPosition(limb, j['joint_angles']) else: # No return 0 # Update distance distance += delta print sensor.state() # Did we make it to the obstacle if sensor.state() <= handDistance: # Yes return 2 else: # No return 1 ########################################################################## # Screen
[docs] def printTextToScreen(self, text, scale=3): ''' Print text to the Baxter screen :param text: String containing the text to print. Newlines in the string are handled properly. :param scale: Size of the text. ''' # Create the buffer img = np.zeros((2000,2000,3), np.uint8) # Get the font font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # Split the text and place each on a separate line for i, line in enumerate(text.split('\n')): # TODO: the increment needs to change as a function of scale y = 200*(i+1) # Draw the text into the buffer cv2.putText(img,line,(50,y), font, scale,(255,255,255),2) # Create the message msg = cv_bridge.CvBridge().cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8") # Publish the image #pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/xdisplay', Image, latch=True) self.displayPublisher.publish(msg) # Sleep to allow for image to be published. # TODO: do we need this? rospy.sleep(1) # main
[docs]def main(): """Test function""" rospy.init_node('Karpal_Class') karpal = Karpal() karpal.enable() #testing point = [.80,.10,0] point2 = [.80,.04,-.06] orientationAbove = [-1,0,0,0] orientationSide = [0,math.sin(math.pi/4),0,math.cos(math.pi/4)] limb = "left" angles = {'left_w0': 0.06519418341064454, 'left_w1': 0.36930587426147465, 'left_w2': 1.4323545590515139, 'left_e0': -1.5405002044738771, 'left_e1': 1.3882526114501954, 'left_s0': 0.7853981625, 'left_s1': -0.11543205415649414} """ #Gripper Methods print "Left Gripper" karpal.calibrateLeftGripper() karpal.closeLeftGripper() karpal.openLeftGripper() print "Right Gripper" karpal.calibrateRightGripper() karpal.closeRightGripper() karpal.openRightGripper() print "Either Gripper" karpal.calibrateGripper(limb) karpal.closeGripper(limb) karpal.openGripper(limb) #Position Methods: print "Postion methods" print karpal.getLeftArmPosition() print karpal.getRightArmPosition() print karpal.getArmPosition(limb) print karpal.getJointAngles(limb) #Orientataion Methods: print "Orientation methods" print karpal.getLeftArmOrientation() print karpal.getRightArmOrientation() print karpal.getArmOrientation(limb) """ #Moving Methods: print "Moving Methods" karpal.armMoveToZeroPosition(limb) #karpal.moveArmJoints(limb, angles) #karpal.moveArm(limb, point, orientation) #arpal.tiltWrist(limb, point) #Grabbing Methods: print "Grabbing Methods" karpal.grab_object(limb, point, orientation) #karpal.grab_object_range_sensor(limb, point, orientation) #Computing Methods: #print "Computing Methods" #karpal.findHorizontalSolution(limb, point, minOrient, maxOrient) #karpal.findVerticalSolution(limb, point, minOrient, maxOrient) karpal.armMoveToZeroPosition(limb) karpal.disable()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()